Saturday, 28 April 2012

The Way (2010)

The Way (released in the US October 2011, and in Spain way back in November 2010) has just been released in Australia. Australia as I understand it, is one of, if not the most, pirating countries in the world when it comes to downloading films on the internet. It might sound a bit self-entitled to say something like this, but 6 months between releases in countries, or worse, over a year, for a English language feature, can be a reason why people resort to piracy. Had i been aware of the film earlier, instead of the last time i went to the nova, I'd probably have picked up a import copy of this in the shops. Also, Screw you Lionsgate, or who ever is handling distribution of Cabin in the Woods in Australia. You don't release a film, that half the internet is telling you 'don't let it be spoilt' and then freaking have it come out 3 months after its major market release, let alone remove it from the schedule completely (And this leaves me conflicted, do i Import the film on release from overseas, or do i Support the local industry even though they're seemingly doing us wrong. There's no right answere).

But, back to the book, i mean topic. The Way is a story about a quartets Pilgrimage, They don't start together, but they unit over the course of the story. At its main though, its about Thomas Avery(Martin Sheen), who travels to Europe to collect the body of his son Daniel(Director, Co-Writer and Sheen's real life Son, Emilio Estevez), who has died camping during the first night of his Pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. Tom and Daniel didn't exactly see eye to eye about things after Toms wife died, and Daniel is keen to Live his life instead of be stuck at school or a job. He wants to travel. But thats not going to happen now. So after some thinking, Tom has the body Cremated and heads off on the Camino de Santiago, to pay respect to his sons, and spread his ashes. 

Now the Camino de Santiago is meant to be a very spiritual journey, after all, The way of St James ends in a Cathedral where the Apostle is said to be Buried. But this films isn't overly about Christianity. Religion isn't brought up alot during the film. Each of our 4 pilgrims aren't there to resolve issues of faith, each claims different things, One is there to loose weight, Another to give up smoking, and another to overcome they're writers block. 

So i'll get this out there straight away, This is a very basic road trip movie, Its just this road in question has been traveled well before the advent of cars, and in fact, they don't use cars on this path. So all the standard apply, some of the personalities will conflict during the journey, The main character will run they're mouth off one night and offend everyone, then everyone makes peace before heading on the final leg of they're journey. We learn a few things about our characters, but never anything groundbreaking, and i don't think i personally took anything away from the they're experiences, except maybe a desire to go back packing. 

The film as a whole is competent, I can't think of anything in the film that is bad, but it goes the other way as well, i can't think of anything it does brilliantly. Its kind of Inoffensive, and Plain. That doesn't make a bad movie, there are some sights to been seen, and another viewer, or a Pilgrim might really take something from the characters Journeys, but it's not anything special. 

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