Monday, 10 December 2012

Rurouni Kenshin (2012)

In Brief: Based on the Manga/Anime of the same name, The story follows Himura Kenshin (Takeru Satō), A wandering Samurai, who carries a revered blade so's not to kill his opponent. He finds his way to a town, where a killer known as Battōsai is terrorizing the town, a Drug lord trying to buy up real estate to expand his empire, and a old adversary is the law. On his way through town, Kenshin is mistaken for Battōsai the Killer by local Dojo owner Kaoru (Emi Takei), and the two connect by her fathers moto, a sword is used to bring life.

Rurouni Kenshin is a popcorn flick pure a simple. But there's something odd about it at times, Like the Lead Character, Kenshin, who almost seems to be played by two different actors. Takeru Satõ looks completely different between the two extremes of his character, the demon like warrior in combat, then when not in combat, he looks significantly goofier. There are scenes where he goes from drenched in dirt and much, to perfectly clean. Munetaka Aoki does a great job as well with Sagara, bringing out big laughs frequently. The film rarely goes too far into the over stylized anime/manga fight scenes. Only one character ever mentions special techniques, and things are generally pretty fast paced.
Some of the characters, are a bit under developed, especially the villains, that are almost a comical relief at parts, the score doesn't really help things either, as has the same problems as the Kenshin character. Switching on the fly between something serious and something slightly too light hearted and slapstick  It can be a bit jarring.
Rurouni Kenshin is a fun film, it might not live up to some peoples expectations. It's a good, harmless popcorn flick, that could turn out to be a good start to a series.

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