Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Django Unchained (2012)

In Brief: Dr. King Shultz (Christopher  Waltz), seeks out the slave Django (Jamie Foxx), to help him get the bounty who Django is familiar with. Once Freed, Django assists Shultz in bounty hunting, in a to get back his wife Broomhilda, who was purchased by Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio)

Django Unchained, really feels like it was made by the same mind that made Kill Bill. Tarantino's influences are played out heavily on the screen, but he's adopted them in such away these influences that they're his style now. The over the top violence is here, but it doesn't feel as bad as it was in Inglorious Bastards, and it regularly gets a laugh out of its shocked audience. It's done with that typical one bucket for a screw hole that we've come to expect.
The films lead cast of Waltz, Foxx, DiCaprio and Samuel L Jackson deliver brilliant, and frequently over the top, but with subtleties all the same. Waltz and DiCaprio look to be having a blast, with they're excited and opposing characters. It's refreshing to see DiCaprio playing such a role, and hopefully he takes on a simliar role again in the future.
The action comes heavy and fast, it's never on the screen too long. In fact, nothing in the film feels like it's taking too long to happen, or that it could have been, or should be cut from the film. It might not sound like much of a compliment, but for a film that goes for 165 minutes (just 4 shorter then The Hobbit), it is. Because the film doesn't feel like it's remotely as long as it is.
The controversy surrounding the use of N word in the film, Most of this came before the films release. And while in the modern day it is insensitive to use the word, it does belong in the period the film is set, and its seemingly used in a realistic manner.  
There's no doubt in my mind, Django is a excellent film, and Tarantino rove's that he is one of current cinema's great directors. 

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