In Brief: Based on the true story of Frédéric Bourdin, Who, in 1997, frauded his way in to the United States of America, posing as Nicholas Barclay, a 16 year old boy, who's been missing for 3 years. The boy's family meets the man claiming to be Nicholas, and instantly believe that the 23 year old, brown eye black haired man is they're missing blue eye'd blonde.
The Impostor is an absurd movie, the very fact that its a true story story, kinda makes it worse.
Bart Layton's film is oddly intriguing. and Frédéric Bourdin is a very intriguing character to focus on, giving his motivations for initiating the fraud, and then for maintaining it, and finally for what happens next.
The Family of Nicholas Barclay, doesn't come off very well during the film, although should be commended for seemingly being able to remove they're current opinion of events as they're recounted to us. It seems crazy that they could fall for the 23 year old Bourdin's trick, but a family that might be desperate to find or hide something, could believe anything.
Towards the end of the film, as the lies start to fall, and suspicions begin to be cast, the film almost feels comical, with how the goverment, the private investigator and how Bourdin deal with the events that transpire, often resulting in audience laughter.
The Imposter is a fantastic Documentary, truely fascinating and worthy of the praise that's given to it.
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